Dafeng Party committee held a conference on education with the theme of not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind

  • Author:Dafeng
  • 2019-09-17
  • View:167

Never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

It's the eternal issue of strengthening the party.

It's a lifelong issue for all party officials


Yesterday afternoon, Dafeng Party Committee held a "do not forget the original heart, remember the mission" theme of education work meeting, the company's all party members attended the meeting. Yangming street party working committee theme education tour guide group came to participate in the guidance.


All party members review the oath of membership


Party Secretary Feng Hua's mobilization speech

At the meeting, the company's party secretary Feng Hua stressed that the implementation of the Yuyao Municipal Party Committee and Yangming Street Party Working Committee's deployment requirements, and fully launch the "do not forget the original heart, remember the mission" theme of education activities. Under the scientific guidance of the Street Party Working Committee Circuit Steering Group, we should plan and organize the theme education to ensure that we get real results and deliver a perfect high score. Combined with the actual company, put forward four points of view.

I. Improving political standing, gaining a deep understanding of the situation and resolutely implementing the requirements for deployment at higher levels.

1. Fully understand that carrying out thematic education is strengthening political construction.

2. Fully realizing that a good education on the theme is to strengthen the roots and foundations

3. Fully realizing that a good education on the theme is the impetus for implementation

4. Fully realizing that good thematic education means gathering the people's hearts and minds

Second, closely integrate the actual situation, seize the key key, and solidly promote the development of theme education.

1. The word "deep" should be used throughout learning and education.

2. The word "true" must be used throughout the research and study.

3. The word "accurate" should be used throughout the inspection.

4. Rectification and implementation should put the word "real" throughout.

Third, keep the target requirements firmly in mind, solve outstanding problems, and ensure the effectiveness of thematic education.

1. Grasp learning and education and strengthen theoretical armament

2.Seriously examine and reflect on the situation, and pay close attention to the implementation of rectification.

3. Innovative ways and methods, learning, understanding, clarifying and practicing

Fourth, implement the main responsibility, establish the sense of responsibility, and strengthen the organizational guarantee of thematic education.

1. Strengthening organizational leadership and reinforcing political responsibility

2. Strengthening publicity and guidance to create a favourable atmosphere

3. Focusing on the effectiveness of education and establishing good practices


Speech by Yu Jianli, Chairman of the Roving Steering Group

Yangming Street Party Working Committee Circuit Steering Group Leader Yu established the Dafeng Party Committee to carry out theme education put forward three guidance and specific requirements.

First, we have a deep understanding of the significance of theme-based education.

Second, we firmly grasp the goal of carrying out thematic education tasks

Thirdly, we insist on solid thematic education in a good style


The original heart does not change the mission on the shoulder, bear the actual work and dream forward. Dafeng Party Committee to adhere to the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, in accordance with the Yuyao Municipal Party Committee and Yangming Street Party Working Committee's deployment requirements, solidly carry out this theme of education, and strive to achieve theoretical learning gain, ideological and political baptism, officer entrepreneurship dare to take responsibility, to serve the people to solve problems, cleanliness and honesty as an example of the goal, to lead the cultural and sports industry continue to innovate and develop, as the national culture and technology integration and Greater contribution to the transformation of market outcomes.


Never forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Tackling difficulties and taking action

with flying colors

A tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China
